Monthly Archives: June 2011

Kidding is Finished, and other news….

Tallulah had her single doeling on Tuesday May31st.  She waited until all the company had left and I had gone back to work.  I guess my girls like their privacy.  I came home to a huge doeling, she’s bigger than either of Nola’s twins.

I’ve finally settled on names as well.  Tallulah’s doeling is Promise, aka Missy, and Nola’s twins are Hope and Persistence or Persy.  I thought since they are first kids born on my farm, they ought to have names with some heart, and these just resonated with me, and the goats seem to like them better than the gangster names I had picked out.

Here’s the first video of the 3 romping around in the nursery stall, they are so dang cute I can hardly tear myself away from the barn.  It’s all I can do to get anything done at all.

In other farm news, my neighbor Ernie came over today with his big tractor and lugged my newly built shed down to the pasture where it can actually start getting used.  Yes, it’s a very exciting day around here, and long coming. 

Ernie hauling the new shed down the access road.TaDa!

It started pouring rain before I could go set up the fence, so that’s my task for this week after work.   That, and cleaning out the lower barn, to get ready for the mamas and kids to go back out to pasture. 
Unfortunately, I must announce that the Intro to Shamanism Workshop, scheduled for next weekend June 11/12th is cancelled, due to lack of participants.  We’ll try to reschedule for later in the summer or this fall, so if you have interest but those dates didn’t work for you, please let me know so you can be included in the new date poll. 
More kid photos to come.  I just got the call, so I’m off to get some hay.  Happy Sunday everyone!