As a first post, I figured I should put here what I have been working on. All images are link to full-size images, if you’d like to see things on a larger scale.
I will start with completed projects, since that’s always the most satisfying, right?
I finished spinning Spunky Eclectic’s “Peace On Earth” – the Dec 2011 fiber club offering – a South African Fine yarn in blue, greenish and white. The singles were done last week, and I n-plied it yesterday and washed it. Normally I thwack, but since this yarn was described as “felts well” I just soaked it in hot water twice and followed up with a cold water soak. I am pretty pleased with the results, and I have to say this yarn bloomed very wonderfully – it was about 16 wpi before washing, 9 wpi afterwards:

I was going to make a Citron shawl from this, but it’s much too large for that, now…or, perhaps not.
I also designed a small cowl for the Juniper Moon Farm contest – basically, come up with an original design using 1 or 2 skeins of Chadwick or Willa. My design, called the Loopy Wicker Cowl, is shown below, in both a one-color/one-skein and two-color/two-skein version:

If the design does not get selected for the contest, I will share it with you here.
On my needles, I am almost done with my Sagrantino Shawl:
I like the pattern, it’s one of those where you have one thing to remember and the pattern just works out magically, so it’s great that I don’t have to lug around a pattern with me. However, each hexagon takes me about 2 hours, so it takes a long time to complete!
I have also been working on Monkey Socks – special thanks to my knitsky friend Amanda who pointed out that this wasn’t a crazy Cookie A. pattern, but something that’s memorizable (and she’s right!). Right now I am working on the heel but I will rip it out and work it as a Sweet Tomato Heel from the ingenious Cat Bordhi. I may also go up a needle size because the sock is a tight fit right now:

The yarn is handspun superwash corriedale, the Tartan colorway from the September 2011 Spunky Eclectic fiber club offering. I spindle-spun this, and made 1,000 yards of 3-ply yarn (yes, that means I made 3,000 yards of this. I am extremely proud of this accomplishment). So there is plenty for socks!
I have also started on a kid-sized hat in double-knitting from Alasdair Post-Quinn. The hat is Bratach from his excellent book Extreme Double Knitting: New Adventures in Reversible Colorwork. Alas, I can only take one of either the extreme double knitting or the adventures in reversible colorwork, and I chose the double knitting – the hat started out with the crazy pattern that Alasdair wrote, but I have changed it to be stripes and checkerboards and stuff. I messed up the first few rows due to it all being new to me, but I’ve got the hang of it now. I probably *should* rip out the hat and start over, but I am not sure if I will. Here is what my Not a Bratach looks like right now:

From the files of “not really actively knitting this one” but still a WIP, I am knitting Channel out of 2 different handspun yarns (handspun by me). One is the Oct 2011 Spunky Eclectic fiber club, Romney in the colorway “Beans”, which was spun as a single. The other yarn is a 2-ply yarn, consisting of Juniper Moon Farm Cormo and the Enchanted Knoll Farm’s Happy Hooves Batt Club’s Dec 2011 offering, “Winter’s Night Sky” in 65% superwash merino and 35% tussah silk. I have not worked on it in a while, but I do want to finish it eventually:

On my wheel right now – I am working on finishing up a bunch of Louet Black Diamond Top, which is carbonized bamboo. There is absolutely no memory in this, and spinning it is not a whole lot of fun, but I spun a bunch of it and plied it with a merino wool for a scarf, so I kinda want to spin the rest of it just to have it done, and ready to be plied with something else at some point.
I also have plenty of fiber waiting to be spun, I have to get to January’s Spunky Eclectic club, which is Targhee in blues, reds and white. The February club will come soon! I also have the February batt from Enchanted Knoll Farm waiting for me, it’s in the colorway of valentine conversation hearts, but I have not even opened up the package yet!