We had a comment recently asking us how Luna, our expectant milk cow, was coming along. Since she and our two Christmas calves, Madison and Monroe, are nearly inseparable, I thought I’d let you know how the entire bovine family was doing.
Luna is about to break some kind of record, or, at the very least, redefine “long-awaited”– I’d be lying if I said she wasn’t driving us all a little crazy. It’s been a month since Dr. Grover came out and checked her out, so, any day now, Luna!
In other news, I figured out why I think Monroe is cuter– but also sillier-looking– than Madison.
It’s the polka dots on his nose.
Of course.
And Madison is growing like a weed into a right old βούπαις (this word, Boupais, is one of my favorite Greek words of all time. Bou, “cow,” when used as a prefix, can sort of slangily mean “large,” or “big.” So, when used in front of pais, “child,” or “boy,” it means, “a big ‘ole kid,” not the ultra-literal “cowboy.” In the same way, a “cow-hunger” isn’t a hankering for beef, but a hunger that’s particularly ravenous.)
Anyway, Madison is still a shade larger than Monroe, but smaller by far than Luna. They both tag along after her as though she were their mother, and she sticks close by them, too.
I’m really curious to see how they act towards the calf, and how Luna acts towards them after she’s calved. Cross your fingers for an easy delivery– and soon!