Monthly Archives: September 2012


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There are “wave” blocks to go along with the turtle blocks in the quilt I”m working on. I’ve quilting these “waves” before when I made a snail’s trail quilt and I made the same initial mistakes as last time. I think, in future, I need to write the color names on the foundation paper. I can’t remember what method I used for the snail’s trail quilt but the centers came out nicer so I need to keep that in mind should I use this block pattern again. The wave blocks are slower going so they’ll take a little while to work through before I can piece the top of the quilt.


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There are “wave” blocks to go along with the turtle blocks in the quilt I”m working on. I’ve quilting these “waves” before when I made a snail’s trail quilt and I made the same initial mistakes as last time. I think, in future, I need to write the color names on the foundation paper. I can’t remember what method I used for the snail’s trail quilt but the centers came out nicer so I need to keep that in mind should I use this block pattern again. The wave blocks are slower going so they’ll take a little while to work through before I can piece the top of the quilt.

FO: Air Bender Socks

Dyed last spring, these socks were part of a series of self-striping yarns I did inspired by the Avatar: The Last Airbender series. These were meant to mimic the gold and ochre colors of Ang’s robes. I think the colors are great, and let’s just take a minute and admire how well the stripes line up from sock to sock. It’s almost perfect.


May they keep my brother’s feet warm and toasty.

Bonus Sneak Peak:

How to do it right

In case you haven't seen this everywhere else: 22 Things You're Doing Wrong. That fitted sheet thing is a vale of tears, especially with flannel sheets, but the origami bag-close is just awesome.

Pumpkin Picking …

Off to our favorite spot to pick pumpkins.


There they are…



This is my idea of picking pumpkins.


We picked apples as well.


And donuts.


We also picked up cider and an apple pie.


We had fun picking.  Bye farm until next time.


Shepherding Camp!

Due to a late cancellation, we still have a couple of spots in JMF’s Fall Shepherding Camp. Of all the things we do at the farm all year Shepherding Camp is my very favorite!

One reason I love Shepherding Camp, is that it’s something I wish had been around when I was dreaming of owning a flock of sheep. I honestly had no idea if sheep would be a lot of work, or if I would be physically able to handle them. When I got started I had to rely on books, which had lots of facts about sheep but couldn’t answer my primary question: could I be a shepherd?

Hands down, the best part of Shepherding Camp is watching the participants amaze themselves. They often arrive having never touched a sheep, and by the time they leave, they can round up the flock, trim hooves, give oral medications and injections, look for signs of heavy parasite loads, and so much more.  Last year, we had our Fall campers build a little practice fence and let me tell you, they were so proud of that fence! (Camper Marla did a guest post for us last year that probably describes the experience far better than I ever could.)

If you’ve dreamed of tending your own flock of sheep, come spend a few days with us at the farm. It will be an experience you’ll never forget.

I’d Love to Knit: Things for Friends & Family

I’ve accrued a pretty large mental collection of people I ought to knit for, and I need to write everything down.

  • Back in July, at a trunk show in Williamsburg, I told my sister Charlotte to pick out some yarns, because I was going to make her a pair of socks and a hat for her birthday (less than a month away!).
  • I need to knit a pair of socks for my friend Jay, because he’s not only been a good friend to me, but also emailed me a photoessay called “Socks on a Train” (choice quote, “After a shower and commute to work, these socks give me the confidence I need to be successful in today’s competitive corporate environment.”), and also because I hear they’re wearing out.
  • I also hear that my friend Shaddi’s jacket is starting to wear out.
  • And Zac’s parents have been so incredibly good to us in the past few weeks that I feel moved to knit some nice things for them, too.

Time to plant the garlic


Here’s next season’s crop in it’s infancy. This year I’m going to add compost once the cloves have sprouted a few inches as I’ve been reading what hungry plants they are. If we run out before harvest time I’ll have to plant closer together next year as this lot filled the bed.

Weekly Mosaic #5 …

Chocolate ~ Old Photo ~ Black ~ White ~ Grey ~ Front ~ Back

My creation

Apple Picking

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