Halloween has always been one of our favorite holidays. All the beautiful leaves and weather, the fun and spooky decorations, dressing up, eating candy!
Luckily we have friends who enjoy it just as much as we do, and welcome us all to their home every year for an evening of spooky festivity!
Conjoined twin cookies!
Neve as Sally.
Spicy taco dip skull.
Maddie and Gabi.
Our friend Keith as Jack Skellington.
Neve with Jessie: our two Sallys.
I went with a Dia de los Muertos theme.
Book Club ladies.
Cute littles!
Neve and Sarah.
Emily went as Prince Zuko from Avatar, The Last Airbender.
Elizabeth’s husband Kevin led us all in a rousing game of Mad Scientists vs. Villagers. The villagers had to discover who the scientists were before they killed off the whole village!
As always we had a great time and the kids wore themselves out (always a good thing!).
It’s sad that October is flying by so quickly, but at least we still have more Halloween fun to come!
Tagged: food, Seasons