Monthly Archives: April 2015

Shear Bliss

Too corny?

Ah, well.  Yesterday the flock finally was freed from their heavy fleeces (just in time for temps to plummet and rain to fall all day today). But yesterday. Yesterday was glorious.  Later in the evening there was much more frolicking than I have seen since…..well, last spring.


I love watching Emily work, and I love seeing the wool coming off to reveal the little bodies underneath.


Wembley’s fleece came off in a solid, felted clump, not unlike a rug.  Poor thing. When a sheep has been as sick as she was, it’s no surprise.  I’m sure the three or four baths I gave her didn’t help. But, now she’s well and free of the old fleece and can start a new, healthy coat.


Now, this. This is what I love to see. The colored flock. The sun-bleached outer layer, the darker layer at the skin, and all the variation in between.


The pure Border Leicesters were mostly silver underneath; the Border Leicester/ Cormo crosses were more black underneath.


Our friend Amy came and helped out with hooves, while Emily’s dog watched (and snatched hoof clipping to chew on).. Seriously, she was a HUGE help. And unsurprisingly, Emily can easily manage a sheep one-handed while Amy and I struggled tag-teaming them.


The goats were surprisingly well-behaved for her.


Neve helped out, too, of course!






Ursa – who is seriously the tiniest thing once you get her out of her coat!


Wembley the Wonder Lamb.

I know everyone is sad we were unable to have a party for shearing this spring, but trust me, we had a great reason (BABYBABYBABY) that Susan will update y’all with soon enough.

In the meantime, I hope all of your steps are as light and carefree as the flock!

Weekly Photo Challenge: Motion …

“The challenge this week is to share your photographs that have captured motion, and tell us the stories behind the images”


My photographs are of the Flying Horses on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.  The Flying Horses are the oldest platform carousel in the United States.  It was  brought to the Island in 1884 from Coney Island.

I’ve been riding on these Flying Horses since I was a toddler and still do when I get the chance.


Podcast Episode 6: A Quickie

In this episode I review Lithuanian Knitting from Donna Druchunas and June Hall; review Lara Neel’s new Craftsy class; and talk about a new piece of equipment, the Running Buddy.



Craftsy in general (if you sign up via this link, please note I’m a Craftsy affiliate)
Lara Neel web page
Socks My Way: Heel & Toe Variations on Craftsy: special price from Lara!

socks for lara's class

Donna Druchunas and Lithuanian Knitting.

lithuanian book cover
June's Lambs
June and Donna in Vilnius 2013
LKCT Židinys Hearth Mittens IMG_4986
LKCT Little Lithuania IMG_4902
LKCT Green Bridge Riešinės IMG_5290
LKCT Dzūkija Wedding Gloves IMG_4934

yarn for giveaway

That last pic is the yarn you can win!


Running Buddy


Mar Vista by The Madeira on Double Crown Records.

Pink Dogwood …



I am hanging my head in shame….

I have discovered that THINKING about this blog and what I am going to write is not enough for a new post to show up on the web.....

BUT.  I am here, and this blog has been on my mind, I am always wondering what is "blog worthy".

Our Winter was long and cold.  But thankfully not as snowy as the northeast...

We renovated our awful kitchen!!



Then the ceiling in our front room needed to be replaced, the cracks were growing and it seemed a good idea...the plaster was barely touched by the guy and this whole section came tumbling down!

Now the room is all nicely lit with new can lights and has a brand new insulated ceiling!  This is the room that my big loom now lives in.  (Thank goodness we did this work before I started weaving in there...someone could have been hurt!)  We need to paint the walls but I am still thinking about colors...

Why is my big loom at home?  And not at LibertyTown?  Well I finally made the decision to move all my working spaces home.  (There is still a selection of my work in the gallery) I spend more time throwing pottery out back these days, and when I have an hour or two to weave I just wasn't heading out to the Gallery.  Now I spend all my creative moments at the house. With Layla.

She's 14 you know!  The reno really stressed her out (though you can't tell from this picture!)

So what have I been working on?  I did attend a weaving workshop on weaving figures into your weaving, an interesting boundweave technique.  

Weaving some crazy happy bright towels at my little loom...

And I have been slowly getting ready for my next show on Saturday April 25!  Good grief this coming Saturday! I am not a production style potter so I start my preparations months in advance....but if you are interested in these sweet new bud vases...

....come by the Powhatan Festival of Fiber this Saturday!

And hopefully I won't wait 4 months to post on this poor blog again. 

I am hanging my head in shame….

I have discovered that THINKING about this blog and what I am going to write is not enough for a new post to show up on the web.....

BUT.  I am here, and this blog has been on my mind, I am always wondering what is "blog worthy".

Our Winter was long and cold.  But thankfully not as snowy as the northeast...

We renovated our awful kitchen!!



Then the ceiling in our front room needed to be replaced, the cracks were growing and it seemed a good idea...the plaster was barely touched by the guy and this whole section came tumbling down!

Now the room is all nicely lit with new can lights and has a brand new insulated ceiling!  This is the room that my big loom now lives in.  (Thank goodness we did this work before I started weaving in there...someone could have been hurt!)  We need to paint the walls but I am still thinking about colors...

Why is my big loom at home?  And not at LibertyTown?  Well I finally made the decision to move all my working spaces home.  (There is still a selection of my work in the gallery) I spend more time throwing pottery out back these days, and when I have an hour or two to weave I just wasn't heading out to the Gallery.  Now I spend all my creative moments at the house. With Layla.

She's 14 you know!  The reno really stressed her out (though you can't tell from this picture!)

So what have I been working on?  I did attend a weaving workshop on weaving figures into your weaving, an interesting boundweave technique.  

Weaving some crazy happy bright towels at my little loom...

And I have been slowly getting ready for my next show on Saturday April 25!  Good grief this coming Saturday! I am not a production style potter so I start my preparations months in advance....but if you are interested in these sweet new bud vases...

....come by the Powhatan Festival of Fiber this Saturday!

And hopefully I won't wait 4 months to post on this poor blog again. 

Yesterday In Pictures

We are SO reveling in the spring weather!!!


Yes, hello. My name is Adelaide. You show me a fence and I’ll show you a stuck goat!


She does this every. day.


It’s been warm enough the last few days that the dogs have started their summer ritual of hanging out in the stream.


The peas are growing well!


The peonies are going to bloom any second.


The lilacs are blooming now and busy attracting bees and butterflies with their heavenly scent.


The strawberries are flowering.


The broccoli is sprouting.


The Monarda is shooting up fast.


The raspberry bush is taking over!


The azaleas are about to pop.


The dogwoods are showing off.


And Ursa is looking mighty tired of that fleece!

Tagged: Farm, food, Garden

Yesterday In Pictures

We are SO reveling in the spring weather!!!


Yes, hello. My name is Adelaide. You show me a fence and I’ll show you a stuck goat!


She does this every. day.


It’s been warm enough the last few days that the dogs have started their summer ritual of hanging out in the stream.


The peas are growing well!


The peonies are going to bloom any second.


The lilacs are blooming now and busy attracting bees and butterflies with their heavenly scent.


The strawberries are flowering.


The broccoli is sprouting.


The Monarda is shooting up fast.


The raspberry bush is taking over!


The azaleas are about to pop.


The dogwoods are showing off.


And Ursa is looking mighty tired of that fleece!

Morning Beach …



Weekly Photo Challenge: Early Bird …

This week’s challenge is to get up early and explore the morning …


A quiet and peaceful early April morning on the island of Martha’s Vineyard.