Monthly Archives: April 2015

MATS A, Week 5: Gifts

As I posted my final assignment for my first MATS class in the flickr group, I was really sad.  I mean it!  I was so sad it is over.  There are still a few days of "wrapping it up" and the final review, but the 5 weeks of meaty assignments with endless potential...

Wait a sec, this is just the beginning!

Put those tissues away!  Although MATS A is over, it's time for me to shift gears and get ready for phase 2!  Transition time!  This is the toughest part I think, but I've got a pretty darned good toolkit and support network to help.

My next steps in this whole illustrator as full-time career move include:

  • refining my projects based on the feedback I received
  • assembling a portfolio with enough pieces in a marketable style
  • presenting my work to companies (and/or a representative)

I've been doing research since the start of the year on artist's representatives.  Between MATS and the Skillshare, Creative Live videos, Illustration podcasts, and the books that each of my teachers have recommended, I've got a fairly good idea of what it will take for this to work... and it's a lot of WORK! :D  But, I already knew that, and hard work is quite familiar to me, and I kinda like it.

Anyway, a review of Week 5...

Mini Assignment: identify and photograph or illustrate your favorite collections of items in your life. In my case, I have a lot of scissors... and looking at the photo I realize I missed two pairs in the kitchen. Oops!  I also have a huge collection of rubber stamps and many, many items relating to what I'll call "the paper arts" - illustration, drawing, painting, drafting, etc.

yes! an authentic Caboodles case, and Corn Flakes stamps from the 1960's

I have a cute collection of house-plants, too!  It's too bad I didn't have a balcony garden this year otherwise, I'd have used those too.  Hmm, I could get my photos of them from years past for another one of these...
 And then there's the fiber arts. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but my photographed collection includes my two favorite skeins of yarn in my stash, so many spools of thread, fabric scraps, patterns, and my all-time favorite buttons... 

When our big assignment came, I wasn't sure where to go with all of these photographs and illustrations.  I was overwhelmed with the sheer number of things I had scanned, isolated, color tweaked and sketched.  Overwhelm!

I showed this image to my fellow MAT-sians at the height of my overwhelm.  I've realized this is a typical stage in the artistic process. This is the part where you feel self-doubt and uncertainty and the judge part of the brain is telling you you're nuts for attempting this.  Don't let that judge win!  My classmates helped for sure.

So, I kept plugging away at it!  I thought of a way to bring my favorite collections together and here is my secret: key phrase.  I created a key phrase to help guide me.  My phrase for this piece was "tropical vacation yarn fetish".

I started by creating creatures that lived in this overlush place, these creatures had to be over the top.  I have been dying to do mash-up creatures and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity for a little Frankensteining!  Above you can see my first creature above.  It's a jackelope iguana, but it gets butterfly wings eventually.

Here's a .GIF of how the piece developed once I got going.

Just in case it doesn't loop on its own, click on the image to see the short GIF

The materials in the class for this week were really helpful.  There was a great list of businesses that are in the gifts market, templates, and wonderful life tips.  All in all, it was a really strong week with which to finish the course.  I'm so looking forward to MATS B in the fall!

Easter …


Weekly Photo Challenge: Blur …

‘The prompt this week is to share a photo that’s a blur. You could keep your camera out of focus to achieve a blurry photo, or take a photo of something in motion. Or go in a different direction — capture an image of an experience that would otherwise be a blur, or of something in a state of flux.’


My photo is of the lights on the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree in New York City… I simply pointed my camera and quickly moved it while taking the picture.


The picture below was taken in the Lincoln Tunnel going into New York City…

Shattered Glass …

Only up side to the shattered glass door today is that it made for beautiful photos.

After photo shop…


Before photo shop…


Dog Sitting On The Vineyard …

Back in 2009 a friend of my daughter Deb’s asked us if we’d like to dog sit for their two Labs, Silas and Balou.  Absolutely yes, so Deb, her dog Chappy and I set out for MV.

My creation No matter how many times I go to the Vineyard my heart skips a beat or two when I see the above sign and the rotary welcoming you to Cape Cod.

 This was our first time sailing on the beautiful ferry, Island Home.


Seven miles and 45 minutes later we touched tire in Vineyard Haven.  We were about to start a new Island adventure.


Here is Deb surrounded by a happy, friendly threesome.  Chappy on the left, Balou in the front and Silas being petted.  We have never met nicer dogs, they were well behaved, sweet, gentle and loving, patient and fun. There wasn’t one moment that we didn’t enjoy being with them.  Oh, okay, maybe when Balou was trying so hard to tell us things and we just were too slow on the uptake… but generally speaking (or woofing) things went very, very well.



The next afternoon we were all sitting around relaxing… well, some of us were but Silas and Balou seemed antsy and clingy.  We finally figured out that since they lived in a house with two little children that there was always chattering and things going on.   Things obviously were a little too quiet for them.   I don’t remember the book I was reading at the time but I simply began reading out loud and before I knew it I had three dogs sitting at my feet listening to me.  I think we all enjoyed it, I know I did.


My creation

Things continued to go well … except for the weather…Two of the days we were there were wet… very, very wet.


The picture below was taken from inside our dry car looking out at Edgartown Harbor.  Wet, wet, wet.  It was windy too.  And wet.


But there were times of no rain and actuall brilliant sunshine and so off on our walks in the woods we would venture.  The 4 leggeds were happy to be out and about sniffing, walking, and being together.



In too short a time our dog sitting adventure came to an end and it was time to  head home. Chappy is waiting to say goodbye to his new friends.  He had a great time with Silas and Balou, we all did.


The Island Home is waiting for us.

My creation

Setting tire in Woods Hole.  Back to reality.


Old Water Wheel …



Chester, New Jersey

Still Making

I’m still hard at work being creative, though my time for it has been limited.  Spring means planting, planting, and more planting. When I’m not planting, I’m taking a look at how the fences, livestock, bees, and equipment have come through winter.  I’m taking stock of what has been accomplished in our school year and what is left to do in order to hit all of the goals we set out in the fall.  This year I am also getting ready for two weeks away in the beginning of June, which means streamlining how we do things so Paul, Emily, and Oona can manage without me and Neve.

But when I can, I am feeling all kinds of creative, and spending much happy time with my knitting needles and at my sewing machine.

Right now I am working on The Hollyburn Skirt from Sewaholic in a fantastic Denyse Schmidt fabric.


I’d bought this fabric a few years ago and never did anything with it because I wanted something more than my stand-by A-Line skirt. Something with a little more character.  I’m thinking this is it.


I’m feeling pretty good about my new little wardrobe I am slowly crafting. I may try to wear only me-made clothing this summer (aside from when I am doing livestock work, as that has to be hard-wearing, not-precious apparel).

I kind of wish that either I had more time with cool weather or that I was a faster knitter, because I think this skirt is going to look amazing with my Shepherd Sweater when it’s done.


Maybe in time for cooler nights in late summer?

Tagged: Knitting, Sewing