We’ve been waiting all week for impending doom in the form of a blizzard. All of the kids’ (and mine, let’s be real) fevered dreams of epic amounts of snow seem to finally be coming true. The weather reports have been wildly different in the total amount we should expect; anywhere from 3 inches to 30. Either way it doesn’t actually matter to us, because our road isn’t going to be plowed. Since the developer is no longer in the picture and our road isn’t state maintained (and our tractor is currently broken), we are officially stuck home for the duration, and potentially a while after. Generally in our county the power tends to go out during storms like this (last time a storm like this blew through, many people were without power for a week or better, including Susan), so we’ve prepared.
The generator has been checked and we have extra fuel for it. Our kerosene heater has been serviced and we have plenty of kerosene. The cars are all full of fuel. We have plenty of food and animal feed. We have plenty of books and knitting and board games.
In other words, bring it on!

The kitties are another source of both warmth and entertainment.

This guy is pretty happy with the prospect of idle laps this weekend, just waiting for him to fill them.

I’ve also been baking a lot. This is the batter for Smitten Kitchen’s Banana Bread, and it is THE BEST banana bread I have ever made or eaten, ever. Probably because it contains this:

I need to buy stock in this bourbon, because seriously, HEAVEN.

I also made some regular bread to go along with dinner, which was a delightful Kale and Potato Soup.

I added a sprinkling of sharp cheddar on top and everyone loved it. It was the perfect foil to the cold and blowing snowstorm happening outside, and a great reward after the work to make sure the animals would be okay.

Just as the snow was starting this morning we got the heated buckets filled with water. We left the gate in the position that allows everyone access to the covered front porch, and I filled the goat shelter with fresh straw and hay. There’s a fresh hay bale out for them to eat. They’re all set to get snowed in, too.

Basil and Caramel wouldn’t let anyone else in for awhile.
I’m not looking forward to lugging more buckets of water out tomorrow morning first thing, but all things considered, I’ll take it. With a broken tractor, having to manage buckets out in the back pasture would have been a complete disaster. This winter, it’s just a few steps outside my front door. Absolute heaven compared to last year!
Paul has been in the garage all day working on the tractor, and now that I’ve gotten all of our creatures (and ourselves) fed for the day, I’m going to settle in with knitting and a lap cat. It’s still coming down out there (and the wind is crazy!), so I can’t wait to see how things look in the morning. But for now, it’s cozy time!
