Tag Archives: architecture

Photo A Day Challenge: Architecture…

The Martha’s Vineyard Gingerbread Houses and Tabernacle in Oak Bluffs.

The Tabernacle is a unique structure, with wrought iron arches and supports, two clerestories with dozens of colored glass windows, and an octagonal cupola, it is the physical and spiritual center of the Campground. This magnificent iron structure was built in 1879 and in 1979 was listed in the Natl Register of Historic Places… in 1999 a major restoration began, in 2000 it became a project of Save America’s Treasures, and in 2005 it was recognized by the US Dept of Interior along with the rest of the MVCMA site as a National Historic Landmark. Those are some of the facts of the building but not necessarily what constitutes the heart and soul of it.

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**This taken from the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association website: 

**The original layout of Wesleyan Grove was a simple formation of a circle enclosing the preaching area and the society or church tents. In 1859 a road, now known as Trinity Circle, was built which encircled that area. In 1864, the Association purchased the 26 acres it had been renting. As the area continued to expand (additional grounds were purchased in 1866), it developed in a radial-concentric pattern which was little used in America at that time. The smaller circles, some surrounded by larger circles, had small paths radiating from them leading to other circles or parks. The method of the grounds layout was an additive one of discrete neighborhood units, each built around small various shaped parks.**

The whimsical Victorian cottages found in Oak Bluffs on Martha’s Vineyard are an exceptionally well-preserved collection of Methodist camp meeting houses.They are laced with fanciful gingerbread details in an array of shapes and colors.

This is the first cottage on Martha’s Vineyard Methodist Campground ~ 1864




Photo A Day Challenge: Triangle…

The Flatiron Building ~~ New York City


(CLICK HERE to read what important feature the builders forgot to include when it first opened in 1902 !)




Photo A Day Challenge: Grid…

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Photo A Day Challenge: Spiral, Curve…




Photo A Day Challenge: Fence…

I like fences and the only difficult thing about this post was trying to limit the number of photos, not sure how well I did on that :). Here are a variety of fences from Martha’s Vineyard – Plymouth, MA – Cape May, NJ – Milford, PA.


One of the most touching fences to me is fire hydrant fence in the Newark Firemens section of the Mt Pleasant Cemetery in Newark, NJ where my great-great grandfather is buried.








Martha’s Vineyard Trip February, 1989…

February 1989 was the first time back to the Vineyard in winter since I was a child.  Following are excerpts from my travel log about that trip and also pictures taken with a non-digital camera… which does have relevance in this post.    So come join me in a trip down a cold, snowy very wintry memory lane.

Picture of the Islander in dry dock in Woods Hole from aboard the ferry, Eagle.



One of my favorite places is the Campground in Oak Bluffs. I love the gingerbread cottages but most of all I really really love the Tabernacle… every time I’m on the Vineyard I take a few moments…or hour… and sit quietly there and enjoy just being. Winter is no exception and cold as it was it was warm in my heart.



Let’s wander through Oak Bluffs a little … notice Christmas tree is still in the Bandstand.

Christmas trees along the dunes at South Beach/Katama where they are brought after the holidays.



Then to Aquinnah to see the Gay Head cliffs.


excerpt from travel journal :  ‘it was cold on the cliffs, maybe 26 degrees…but off I went to see them anyway.  Down the road I traipsed over the dunes and onto the beach… what a sight.  Thousands of rocks all shapes and sizes, and there in the distance… the cliffs… I was very excited.  Took some shots and scurried back to the warm car.  Noticed camera had opened a bit, closed it and didn’t think much about it.  After lunch in Edgartown I rode out to the ‘bend in the road beach’ to take some pictures and noticed that the picture counter on the camera said #1 !!!!  When I had gotten in the car in the morning it had said #16 !!!  Something was wrong.   I turned around and headed for the camera shop.  Everything seems to be okay with the camera but maybe it got too cold and lost its memory and reverted to #1… or perhaps when the camera opened just that little bit it caused it to revert !!  At any rate I’m having what was in the camera developed.’

The following day I picked up my photos and not only were they all fine, there was this one…. actually, these two…

shot of the cliffs taken before camera opened …



shot after I closed the camera … I’ve always kind of liked it… can’t do this with a digital camera …

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After a long first day headed back to Edgartown but not before stopping at Sengekontacket Pond for the sunset…


Edgartown …


I love the Vineyard no matter what the season but there’s a quiet, ethereal beauty in the winter.



Reflecting The Sunset…

The sunset over New Jersey from the Henry Hudson Parkway along the Hudson River in New York City.



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Sunset reflected in windows.

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Photo A Day Challenge: Start With ‘Z’…

For ‘Z’ I’ve chosen the Tappan ZEE Bridge in New York, which is named for the Native American tribe called the ‘Tappan’ and ZEE is the Dutch word for ‘sea.’

Being that the prompt for Jan 12th is ‘Z’ and the bridge was to be demolished on that date I thought it was a perfect choice. However, demolition of the east span of the old Tappan ZEE bridge with explosives has been postponed until Tuesday, January 15th due to high winds.

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Closer look.  Old bridge on the right, new one on the left.

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Favorite Posts of 2018…

January – Weekly Photo Challenge: Silence (click here)

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April – Downtown Newark, New Jersey Walking Tour (click here)


May – Day Trip to Albany, New York (click here)



Museum of the American Revolution – Philadelphia, Pa (click here)



July – Sunset Sky (click here)

Heading to New Jersey over the George Washington Bridge at sunset… (does anyone else see 2 eyes and a mouth at the top of the bridge?)  🙂


August –My Great-Uncle, Louis A Young … The Incredible Man With No Hands…click here)
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October – Maine-Cemeteries and Meanderings, Part I (click here)

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Maine – Meanderings and Museums, Part II (click here)


December – Photo A Day Challenge, Letter ‘M’ (click here)

Metropolitan Museum of Art – New York City


There you have it, my favorite posts from 2018… onward to 2019 🙂















Photo A Day Challenge: Twilight Sparkle…

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