Monday night, this whopper of a ram lamb was born around Midnight. After I got him and his mama all set up in the lambing pen, I checked out the last of the ewes that I was waiting to lamb (hoping she would hold off till morning!) and found nothing.
Nothing where her udder full of milk should be, that is. So it looks like she is not bred. Oh well. I went to be confident with the knowledge that lambing season was over and I could sleep all night again.
But then on Tuesday I was out working with the rest of the flock and saw a ewe who we didn’t think was bred sporting a sizable udder. She clearly was bred after this crop of mamas, since she isn’t as far along, but I think we may have one more lamb on the way. Stay tuned…
In the meantime, this lambo needs a name. Suggestions? Remember, we are using names from Downton Abbey this year…