Tag Archives: architecture

Flirting and Dancing At The Tivoli…

The Tivoli building… Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard (circa 1920)


The two story, full block Tivoli Dance Hall stood from 1901 until 1964. The bottom floor housed shops and an ice cream parlor. My godmother worked in the ice cream parlor and I always enjoyed visiting her there… one time in particular jumps to mind.


I was 3 years old and had newly mastered winking and was anxious to put it to use.  Sitting at a table behind my mother and facing me was a sailor.  Being that I was wearing a sailor dress I figured we had something in common and so I began winking at him… it did not take long for my mother to notice.  She turned around and as she did the young sailor headed for our table.  He smiled and said he was alone on the Vineyard for the day and wanted to tell my mother how charming he thought I was (blushing here).  Not only did my mother invite him to join us at the table but she invited him home for dinner (this was mid 1940’s). I was amazed at how powerful this winking thing was.  I’ve never forgotten him… I do however keep the winking thing to a minimum.


The entire second floor of the Tivoli Dance Hall was just that, the dance hall. It was huge, at least in the eyes of a 4 year old being dragged there against her will for a dance lesson. I did like all the windows and how far you could see out of them, I liked the clicking sound my shoes made on the floor, I loved the brand new sundress I had on …


   …but, I did NOT like the group dancing part.  I remember reluctantly getting in line with the other victims children, but my feet did not move, they planted themselves firmly in one spot and stayed there.  Everyone danced around me but I did not care to join in, not only didn’t I dance I wouldn’t talk to anyone either.



My mother was not happy with me… we did not stop for promised ice cream at the Frosty Cottage on Circuit Ave for ice cream and we didn’t come home with a sailor for dinner either.



Tuesday Photo Challenge: Colorful…


Tuesday Photo Challenge: Age…

My choice for age is going back in time to a different one, one where my ancestors came from, the 17th century and the age of the pilgrims.  These pictures were taken at PLIMOTH PLANTATION in Massachusetts.




Museum of the American Revolution-Philadelphia, Pa…

I wish there had been places like this when I was in school, history then was names and dates, this is hands on and brings history alive.  I know more about the American Revolution now than I ever did.


The best place to start is watching the short film ‘Revolution’ and then proceeding to the main galleries.  Beginning in the lower right of the map we have…


Becoming Revolutionaries (1760-1775)

The Darkest Hour (1776-1778)


A Revolutionary War (1778-1783)

A New Nation (1783-present)

Last but not least, but certainly the most impressive – Washington’s War Tent

**From museum brochure – Created for use as a mobile field headquarters during the Revolutionary War, the tent likely was made in Reading, Pennsylvania in early 1778, while Washington was encamped at Valley Forge. It was used by George Washington from 1778 – 1783, and witnessed many dramatic moments during the War of Independence, including the 1781 Siege of Yorktown, the last major battle of the war. The tent was last displayed several decades ago at Valley Forge National Historical Park.


Since we had limited time in Philadelphia we weren’t able to see much else.  I did however want to see the Liberty Bell and although that museum was closed it was visible from outside.


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WPC… Lines (2nd response)…

I don’t know how I missed posting this picture the first time but I really like the composition so tah, dah… here it is.

Boardwalk to the beach in Cape, May New Jersey




Weekly Photo Challenge: Lines…

Share photos with a composition dominated by lines — hard or soft, straight or curvy, vertical or horizontal.


Menemsha fishing boat.  Martha’s Vineyard

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Mayflower.  Plymouth, MA


New York City


NJ to PA




Weekly Photo Challenge: Favorite Place…

Prompt: Do you have a secret spot that you seek every now and then? A location in a faraway city that brings you joy? We all have connections to these kinds of places: places of solitude, of refuge, of wonder.


Everyone who knows me knows my favorite place in the world is Martha’s Vineyard and here is my favorite spot to be when I’m in my favorite place.

I live in NJ but my heart and soul live on MV… and on MV they like to live here at the Tabernacle in the Campground . It is my favorite spot on the Island… an oasis of serenity and calmness in the middle of the Vineyard’s most bustling and lively town, Oak Bluffs. This magnificent iron structure was built in 1879… in 1979 was listed in the Natl Register of Historic Places… in 1999 a major restoration began, and in 2000 it became a project of Save America’s Treasures. Those are some of the facts of the building but not necessarily what constitutes the heart and soul of it.

Inside the Tabernacle is a banner that says “truly God resides in this place” and so he does. I am profoundly attached to the Tabernacle and visit it several times every time I’m on MV whether it’s in the heat of the summer, or the cold of the winter… I just magnetically gravitate there, I have no choice.

The Tabernacle.. Oak Bluffs, Martha’s Vineyard


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 These are only three of the memories I have of the Tabernacle.

DSC_0001As a summer kid I spent many hours here at Bible school…take a minu

te to read about my tussle with a church bell… CLICK HERE

pizap.com14711913349501 (2)The middle of August every year is Illumination Night.  It begins with a community sing in the Tabernacle and as the skies darken the Campground is transformed into a fairy land.  Every gingerbread house is decked out in Japanese lanterns… it’s a magical and special night.    CLICK HERE

100_6964 And then there was this concert, my very first time seeing my favorite singer/songwriter, Carly Simon who was appearing with Harry Connick, Jr.  What better place then on the Vineyard and in the Tabernacle.  I still get goosebumps.   CLICK HERE





Vineyard Februaries…

I’ve been to Martha’s Vineyard in February and I love it.  I love it any time but February is as different from summer on the Vineyard as you can possibly get.

There’s a  cold crispness in the air, the colors are more vivid, the Island is quiet and yet speaks volumes to those who take the time to look, listen and drink in the beauty and wonder that is the soul of Martha’s Vineyard.

February 1989…  a light dusting of snow made everything look like powdered sugar had fallen all over the Island.

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February 1995… no snow that trip but bitter cold. Did not stop me from visiting the Gay Head cliffs in Aquinnah on the western most tip of the Vineyard… or hiking through the woods of Christiantown to visit the tiny chapel there.  (Christiantown link)


I also experimented a bit with black and white film. From top left… Edgartown harbor, Christiantown stone wall..Sengekontacket Pond and South Beach.


February 2007… bitter cold, dusting of over night snow, icy ponds and harbors… and brilliant sunsets.



My birthday is in February and sadly the only one I’ve ever spent on the Vineyard was in 1950 when my beloved godmother, Gertrude Norris passed away. But I’m not anywhere near done having birthdays so who knows what the future will bring 🙂



Weekly Photo Challenge: Tour Guide…

The prompt:   Share with us an image, or two, or three, (or more!) of where you live. For bonus points, tell us what it is about the photo(s) that you love. I can’t wait to go on a fantastic virtual tour of the world, courtesy of photo challenge participants. Away we go!


Rather than share where I live now I want to share where I was born and raised and lived until I got married.

My home town… Newark, New Jersey

Court House - Newark NJ

Above is the Essex County courthouse.  In the forefront is a statue of Abraham Lincoln called the Seated Lincoln sculpted by Gutzon Borglum who was the creator of the Mount Rushmore sculpture of Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.



Surprising to many who don’t know much about the city of Newark, it has some beautiful parks in it. Washington Park, Lincoln Park and the newly revitalized Military Park. Here sits another of Gutzon Borglum’s works,  one of his most compelling : Wars of America. He created this magnificent sculpture over the course of six years, completing it in 1926. It memorializes all the major conflicts in which Americans participated up to and including the First World War.


Thus ends a short tour of two of the beautiful sculptures you can find in Newark, New Jersey 🙂



Weekly Photo Challenge: Variations on a Theme…

The prompt: use your camera to discover the endless variety that one thing can contain. It can be a single photo featuring some visual play on repetition and variation. You could opt for a series of shots showing the same place, person, or object in slightly different light (literally or figuratively, as the case may be).


Anyone who knows me, or reads my blog, knows that the Bandstand in Ocean Park in the town of Oak Bluffs on Martha’s Vineyard is one of my favorite places, and one that I have taken many, many pictures of.  I had no trouble this week coming up with a theme for variation.  I hope you enjoy.


