Tag Archives: water

Little Vineyard Picture Book…


This teeny Vineyard book is 1 inch square. Untie the ribbon and it opens like an accordion.


There is a verse on one side…


“The landscape of Martha’s Vineyard invites us daily to pause, to breathe and give our awareness to the splendor of our surroundings. The soul of the land and the sea speaks in a silent language to our own souls, calling forth a feeling of connectedness and well-being, belonging and responsiveness. We come to our senses and discover ourselves again in the grace, elegance and natural beauty of the island… Even if your visit here is brief , the Vineyard welcomes you home.” -I.G.M.

And pictures on the other.

I’ve added in some of my own that sort of resemble the ones in the book. I didn’t have any pictures of grazing cows so I substituted a goat friend of mine.







I’m glad I rediscovered this teeny book today. Thank you to the special person who gave it to me.<3

Barnegat Lighthouse…


Barnegat Lighthouse – New Jersey

Morning Dock…


Edgartown harbor – Martha’s Vineyard

Weekly Challenge: Narrow…

This week, let’s keep things narrow (but not narrow-minded!): share a photo with your take on the theme.



Duxbury, Massachusetts



Path To The Harbor…


Edgartown harbor  ~  Martha’s Vineyard

Waiting For A Table…


All lined up on a restaurant counter waiting for their tables …


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July 4th In Pictures…


Happy 240th birthday America

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80 Years Ago…

80 years ago today on June 27, 1936 my parents Maude Louise Littlefield and Joseph Albert (Al) Freeman were married in Baltimore, MD.  They sort of eloped although apparently everyone knew.  Sadly there are no wedding pictures although in my minds eye I have created one.

These are my parents on their 25th anniversary in 1961 and their 30th in 1966


And here, for your enjoyment (I hope) the story of my mother’s engagement ring.

This is the beach in Oak Bluffs, this is where we always went when I was growing up. I remember one time in particular when I was there with my parents when I was about three or four years old.


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After playing in the water with my dad and digging in the sand with my mom we started gathering up our blanket and things to leave. All of a sudden my mother gasped and yelled for my father… “my diamond ring is gone” she said in alarm. My dad immediately took charge of the situation by telling me NOT to move, just stay put.  I quickly rushed over to the people nearby and told them my mother had just lost her ring in the sand and my father was going to find it. So much for listening. They, along with other beach goers who had heard me, started to get up to help my father look for the ring. “No” he said.. “don’t walk on the sand, if the sand is disturbed any further the ring will sink lower, I think I might have only one chance to find it.” We all held our breaths as he surveyed the situation and then after what seemed like an eternity (especially to me who was staying still) he scooped up a handful of sand. Miraculously there, shining out from the sand was my mothers diamond engagement ring.


I’m still amazed that he found it, how did he know where to look, how had my running through the sand not made it sink lower. I’m sure that ring was being watched over somehow.







Weekly Challenge: Curve…

Get inspired by the curves around you. From curves in architecture to bends in nature to man-made undulations.


I couldn’t decide on one so I didn’t:)

Newport, RI mansion


New York city


West Orange, NJ…. and New York city


Martha’s Vineyard lighthouse



Newport, RI mansion



Kids On The Beach…


Martha’s Vineyard