Tag Archives: Boykin Spaniel


My daughter Deb is a twin. Sadly her sister Susan was only here for a few hours.

Katy (Katama) was Deb’s first Boykin Spaniel. She was the first dog to go on vacation with Deb and me, no big surprise that it was to MV. Katy left us after 20 months and we feel that she’s now with Susan.

Chappy (Chappaquiddick) was Deb’s next Boykin Spaniel.

My creation

We took lots of pictures of Chappy’s first trip to the Vineyard, especially on the beach and in the water. He really enjoyed splashing about and barking at waves. These pictures show a little of his fun at the beach.

And then there’s this picture:


Is this a double exposure, or is it Deb and Chappy with Susan and Katy ? You be the judge.  Just let me say that my camera, not a digital one, had never, until that day, taken a double exposure and never did so afterwards.

Happy Halloween !!!

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Pets and Farm Animals…


Chappaquiddick Lullaby Revisited…


I think one of the nicest children’s books about MV is “Chappaquiddick Lullaby – a song of Martha’s Vineyard” written in 2006 by Stacy Elizabeth Hall and illustrated by Judith Pfeiffer.

The book also includes a CD by Kate Taylor and Taylor Brown.


The book is basically about the activities and daydreams that children have during the summer. The illustrations are abundant with Island landmarks and places… you need to read the book several times before you’ve picked out everything included in this rich and lovely book.

One of the things that drew us to this book is that we had our own Chappaquiddick in the family, a Boykin spaniel we called Chappy,  and when we found out that there was a Chappy song, sung no less by Kate Taylor who we, and Chappy, have had the pleasure of meeting, we had to have the book,  which was autographed to my daughter Deb and her Chappy by the author Stacy Hall and her dog, Cala 🙂

(Chappy passed away a few years ago but these precious memories linger on and I’m always happy to share them).

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I also want to mention Stacy’s first book…

“The Legend of Katama” is a beautifully told story of Katama, a brave young Wampanoag woman and how she changed her world.

Interestingly our first Boykin spaniel was named Katama (Katy)… do you see a pattern here:)

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Unexplained …

I repost this post often as it touches me deeply.

My daughter Deb is a twin. Sadly her sister Susan was only here for a few hours.

One of my favorite pictures of Debbie (age 3)


Katy (Katama) was Deb’s first Boykin Spaniel. She was the first dog to go on vacation with Deb and me, no big surprise that it was to MV. Katy left us after 20 months and we feel that she’s now with Susan. Here’s Deb with Katy at Sengekontacket Pond on Martha’s Vineyard.



My creation



Chappy (Chappaquiddick) was Deb’s next Boykin Spaniel. Here they are enjoying the window seat at the inn we were staying at in Oak Bluffs.


We took lots of pictures of Chappy’s first trip to the Vineyard, especially on the beach and in the water. He really enjoyed splashing about and barking at waves. These pictures show a little of his fun at the beach.



My creation


And then there’s this picture…

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Is this a double exposure, or is it Deb and Chappy with Susan and Katy ? You be the judge.  Just let me say that my camera, not a digital one, had never, until that day, taken a double exposure and never did so afterwards.

Happy Halloween !!!

Photo A Day Challenge…

Aug 4 – Splash IMG_1209

Aug 5 – Sunny, bright

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Aug 6 – vivid colors




Tuesday Photo Challenge: Treat…

Down.  Shake.  Sit.  Success.

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Granddog Chappy loved this place.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Story…

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Why this picture?  Is it a double exposure or is it not. So what’s the story !!!!!!

My daughter Deb is a twin.  Her sister Susan was only with us for a few hours.

Katy (Katama) was Deb’s first Boykin Spaniel. She was our first dog to go on vacation with us, no big surprise that it was to MV.  Katy left us after 20 months and we feel that she’s now with Susan.

Below is Chappy (Chappaquiddick) who was Deb’s next Boykin Spaniel.

We took lots of pictures of Chappy’s first trip to the Vineyard in 2002, especially on the beach and in the water. He really enjoyed splashing about and barking at waves. These pictures show a little of his fun at the beach.

And then there’s this picture:

Is this a double exposure !  Or is it Deb and Chappy with Susan and Katy ?   You be the judge.  Just let me say that my non-digital camera had never, until that day, taken a double exposure and never did so afterwards !!!!



Weekly Photo Challenge: Waiting…

The prompt for this challenge is to show what waiting looks like.  My first thought was  the anticipation of little bulbs turning into beautiful flowers.


And then my next thought was one of my favorite pictures of our late dog, Chappy.  What might he be waiting for, a biscuit, a walk,or his mommy coming home !

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Remembering Dog Sitting On MV…

Thinking about Chappy and how he liked to pop over to my blog to post from time to time. This was from our dog sitting adventure on MV in April 2009. Miss him.

MV Obsession

Hi, it’s me Chappy, the granddog.  I was here last year to guest post about my MV visit… click HERE to read that post.

Since I just did a fun post on my mom’s blogChappysmom I thought I’d bounce over here and help gram with one about MY adventure on MV a few weeks ago.

This was the first time staying in an actual house and it was so great.  Julie, a friend of my mom’s invited us to dog sit… I didn’t actually notice anyone sitting like a dog (except my dog friends) but humans have weird jargon sometimes.  I just go with the flow and don’t ask questions.

My new dog friends, Silas and Balou were great hosts and I really enjoyed having dog friends to hang out with.  One of the best parts about hanging out with them were our walks in the woods.

I never…

View original post 375 more words

Favorites Of 2016…

I haven’t done a year in review in a few years so there’s no time like the present to do one.  Please click on month and title to read post.

January – NYC Matinee Day (CLICK HERE) img_2037

February – Newark, NJ Banks (CLICK HERE) 5fb2020c619e78475a20e81e30185d16

April – Beloved Chappy (CLICK HERE)

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May – Newport, Rhode Island (CLICK HERE) pizap-com14834898860911
June – Newport cont’d (CLICK HERE)

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September – Remembering Sep 11th (CLICK HERE)

October – Newark, NJ Museum (CLICK HERE) img_3203

December – Christmas 1966 (CLICK HERE) imageedit_4_4398996591

And there’s some of 2016 in review.  Onward now to 2017 and the 10th year for MV Obsession.