Tag Archives: brandon mably

Review: Knitting with the Color Guys

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First, the facts:

Title: Knitting with the Color Guys: Inspiration, Ideas, and Projects from the Kaffe Fassett Studio

Author: Kaffe Fassett & Brandon Mably

Published by: Sixth & Spring Books, 2012

Pages: 176

Type: Patterns


1. Introduction
2. Soft Tones
3. Singing Color
4. Moody Hues
5. Rich Shades
6. Useful Information

Knitting with the Color Guys

The In-Depth Look:

Kaffe Fassett is a name to be reckoned with in the knitting world. (Not to mention the quilting and needlepoint worlds as well.) He’s famous for his vibrant colors and strong graphics … and lots and lots of very bright, strongly-patterned sweaters.

The only problem was that those sweaters were a lot of work to make. He loved intarsia designs filled with dozens of color changes and therefore dozens of bobbins and even more dangling ends to be woven in. Complex cable patterns had nothing on Kaffe Fassett’s sweaters. And the worst part was that they were difficult to wear. Not every person had the frame or personality to carry off his bold designs.

Which is why, even though I’ve been knitting for over 20 years, I’ve never made one of his designs. I’ve had a signed copy of his “Family Album” since a book tour in 1989, and still, I’ve never made anything from it. Intarsia and I just don’t get along that well. And at 5’3″, I would never be able to pull off one of his (gorgeous) patterns without looking overwhelmed. Instead, I’ve just admired the pictures for years.

So, when I had a chance to look at “Knitting with the Color Guys” at Vogue Knitting Live last month, I didn’t expect to go any further than, “Pretty, but not for me.” Kind of the way I do when I walk past sequined tops or power suits in a store–I can admire them, but know I’d never wear them.


This book isn’t about sweaters. It’s filled with cozy, wonderful, delicious knits to have around your home. Afghans. Pillows. Throws. There are a few items that you actually wear, yes–gloves, leg warmers, hats–but mostly it’s about things you can cuddle up with.

The best part is that, since they’re largely things for your home, when you’re not snuggling with them, you can just LOOK at them. Admire them. Adore them. What home doesn’t have room for one gorgeous throw pillow? Or a striking blanket tossed over the back of the couch?

These are simply beautiful designs. Collected by color themes (bold, muted, pastels, and so forth), they make you want to crawl right into the pages and curl up with a cup of tea and a book. The photos alone are enough to drool over. There are not only pictures of the knitting designs (of course), but just random photos of other, inspiring, beautiful things to help set the mood. It’s delicious eye candy.

Of course, the book isn’t just by Kaffe Fassett. (It’s called “Knitting with the Color GUYS,” after all.) It’s co-written with his studio manager Brandon Mably who obviously shares his aesthetic and love for colors and patterns.

Really, I fell in love with this book. You should definitely take a look.

Want to see bigger pictures? Click here.

This review copy was kindly donated by . Thank you!

My Gush: I want to crawl into this book and take a nap.