I don’t usually sing the praises of warm weather in January; mostly because it’s enough of a tease that it makes those bone-chilling February days seem cruel after the fact. Today, though, we were lucky enough that it was both a holiday AND the weather was nice enough that we could tackle some more important farm work with Paul home. And BONUS: I had my phone with me so you can see some sweet sheepy noses!
One of our lambs, Finchley, has been scouring (he has diarrhea), and since they can get super dehydrated, super fast, I’ve been giving him a supplemental bottle of lamb milk. The dogs absolutely LOVE it. Here’s Orzo having a bit after Finchley’s evening dose.
I’ve also discovered that I can’t mix this stuff up in the kitchen if the kitten is around or she will tear me to bits trying to get at it.
Lamb congregation. They were expecting me to produce their evening food.
Yeardley and Wimbledon seem to be having a conversation.
Mabel got moved to the back coop.
Fairfax is looking sassy.
Get my good side.
Fresh bale, delivered into the new shelter……
….which hopefully can withstand Caramel.
Check out Perivale’s spotted ears!!!!
Wembley still likes to get all up in your business.
Suspicious Wimbledon is suspicious.
We also finally got our Christmas tree out to them, and they dove right in.
Hannah loooooooves the taste of pine!
We also got some fresh bedding into the prison coop and discovered an egg had been laid. Fingers crossed this means we will start seeing some production out of these girls at last! (We’ve been threatening them with the stewpot but they’ve been unphased.)
Now that we’ve had this lovely mid-50′s weather I wonder how long before I’ll be posting super snow pictures!