Tag Archives: Dan’s Doin’s

Fish Tales

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For Valentine’s Day, I took Daniel out shopping for the fish tank and fish he’s been after. They are doing well but he’s realized black fish and black rocks was not the best choice. When these get gunky, we’ll be getting a different color of rocks!

Rice bag update


When the boys were in school, they learned to make their own rice bags for microwaveable warmers. Periodically Daniel’s needs replaced and the job has fallen to me. It only takes about 5 minutes to whip one out. The hardest part is finding fabric that’s not too “girly”. Here’s this year’s warmer.

Pencil bag for Dan


The drawstring dice bag was such a hit that the guys requested a matching bag for pencils and pens. I simplified the method given in the tutorial to omit the circular bottom and again made button holes on opposing sides and cross-threaded the ties. You know you’ve done a good job when they come back and ask for more.