First, the facts:
Title: Creative Kids: Complete Photo Guide to Knitting
Author: Mary Scott Huff
Published by: Creative Publishing, 2015
Pages: 143
Type: How-To for Kids
Knitting Mechanics
Yarn and Knitted Fabric
Special Techniques
The In-Depth Look:
Moms know how much creativity their kids have–imaginations going wild, boundless curiosity about the world around them. It’s the perfect time to introduce them to new experiences and teach them new skills.
Like, say, knitting!
The only problem with this is that most knitting books are written for adults. Even the ones with cute patterns or fun little projects obviously assume that it will be an adult picking up the needles to create the toys or pint-sized sweaters the kids will love.
So, how is a mom supposed to introduce this fun craft to her kids?
Well, Mary Scott Huff’s new book, “Creative Kids Complete Photo Guide to Knitting” is a good place to start.
The book is a basic how-to book about knitting–everything from casting on to picking the right kind of fiber, reading schematics, knitting cables … almost everything you need to know. This is followed by a bunch of cute, fun projects to knit: washcloths, cowls, sweaters, toys, accessories, all ranging from quick and simple to keep your kid involved and more complex, to keep them challenged.
Coming from Creative Kids, this is full of great photos, good illustrations, and lots of happy, smiling faces. Including mine. My only regret is not having any kids to pass it on to!
You can get your copy of this lovely book here, at
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This review copy was kindly donated by Creative Publishing. Thank you!
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