Tag Archives: Miscellaneous Crafts


I like to think that I'm raising a little crafter. One of Ian's very favorite things to do is sit down with a pile of paper, scissors, glue, and crayons and just mess around, and he and I have great...

Bigger on the inside

I haven't had a whole lot of opportunity yet to play with it, but I think that shrink plastic is my new favorite thing. I always loved Shrinky Dinks when I was a kid, and revisiting the stuff as an...

Decoupage Everything

As suggested in my book review in my last post, I am currently obsessed with decoupage. I can't remember the last time I did this, but after I read through Mod Podge Rocks! I really did run right out to...

BOOK REVIEW: Craft Roundup

I've gotten a bunch of new craft books for the library in recent weeks and have really been enjoying flipping through them. I swear, if I spent as much time crafting as I do reading about crafting, I would get...

It smells like 1977 in here

Do you ever wake up with an idea you can't get out of your head? That was me on Saturday. Maybe it's because Ian had me up so early, but partway through the morning I found myself randomly thinking, "I...