Tag Archives: Naming Conventions

It’s time to name some lambs, y’all!



HOLY SMOKES! Lambing season is nearly upon us and it has completely snuck up on me this year. My dear friend Sarah VV reminded me this weekend that we haven’t come up with a naming convention of this year’s forthcoming lambs yet.

Every year, we chose a category from whence the lamb names will come.  In the past we have used candy bars, herbs and spices, islands, U.S. presidents, Jane Austen characters, Muppets, Downton Abbey characters and fonts. Here’s the cool part: you get to help us pick the convention!

[My friend and former business manager Jenny says that I never write about naming conventions without including this link. I was going to leave it out but I didn't want her to be disappointed.]

As I said last year (and the year before that, and the year before that) the category needs to be something with lots of naming possibilities. Candy was great cause there are umpteen jillion kinds. Think broad. Characters from fiction? Good. Characters from Dickens? Fine.  Characters from Salinger? Not so much.

Put your nominations for this year’s convention in the comments of this thread.  Amy and I will narrow down the choices and then y’all can vote on which one you would like us to use.

The first person to nominate the particular category that ends up winning gets to name the first lamb and -BONUS!!! – will win a bag full of JMF swag. In fact, the first person to nominate any of the conventions that make it to the voting will win a yarny prize. [I have an insane amount of yarn in my office, y'all, and some of it has got to go to a new home where is can run around of leash.]

So nominate away!

In other news, shares in our 2015 Yarn and Fiber CSA went on sale today. This shares will include the fleece grown on the very lambs that are currently snuggling up inside their mamas, waiting to make their grand entrance next month.* I’m not sure that we will keep doing the CSA forever, but I’ve decided to go ahead with one more year, at least.

I may be accused of burying my headline a bit here, but there is one more bit of news about the 2015 CSA Shares. I’ve lowered the price this year to make the shares more affordable to everyone.  Why? Good question. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this over the past few months. See, the entire point of the CSA when I started it back in 2007 was to give knitters a more personal connection to their yarn. To give the yarn a little context, if you will.  Back then, CSA Shares were JMF’s only source of income and we had to pay all the bills associated with raising the sheep and running the farm from that income stream.

Since then, due to the hard work of a lot of people who believed in what we were doing, and the very generous support of our shareholders (both moral and financial), Juniper Moon Farm has grown and expanded beyond my wildest dreams. The sheep no longer have to shoulder the entire burden of supporting several people’s livelihoods. I am more grateful for that than you will ever know.

I wanted to pass that good fortune on to the people who have supported us along the way, even if it’s only in a small way. I’m not sure if all that rambling will make sense to anyone else or not, but it makes sense in my head. And it lowering the price of shares by $50 lets more people participate who couldn’t before, well, that’s just a bonus.

You will find the Cormo Shares here and the Colored Flock Shares here.

* Don’t worry– the lambcam WILL be back in time for lambing.

Vote Here for 2013 Lamb Names!

Help Juniper Moon Farm name this year's lambs!

I am sorry that it has taken me so long to get this post up but it’s really your fault. You all suggested so many excellent naming conventions this year that I knew it was going to be a lot of work to sort through all the nominations and put together a poll. So, yeah, I was was kind of lazy but if there had been fewer good ideas, I might not of been. See?  Your fault entirely. Don’t let it happen again.

It was really hard to narrow down the field of nominations so I didn’t. I really just eliminated the conventions we have used in the past. We have more options to vote on than we’ve ever had before!

Sadly, you can only pick one choice at a time but I am allowing multiple votes per computer because I know that a lot of our readers have kids who like to vote as well. (You will have to reload the page in order to reset the poll.)


As an added inducement, we’ll be giving the first person who nominated the name that ultimately wins a Full Share in our 2014 Yarn CSA, so you are encouraged to get out the vote. Feel free to share on Facebook, Twitter, Ravelry and mighty Pinterest if you have a mind to.

The polls will remain open until 6:00 a.m. on March 1, 2013. Good luck!


Lambing Season is Upon Us!

I don’t know how it happened but after ten years, this lambing season snuck up on me.

Actually, maybe I do know how it happened. See, I put the Draco, our ram yearling, in with the ewes for two weeks, beginning on October 13th. That gave us a lambing window March 3rd through April 8th. The only problem was that the ewes didn’t look bred to me. They just weren’t getting as large as they usually do and I was about half convinced that our ram was shooting blanks.


Honestly, I was dreading coming here and telling you all that there would be no lambs this year, but I had kind of gotten used to the idea. Then, on Monday, I had all the sheep in the barn for a pre-Spring worming, and while I was at it, I checked the girls for udder development. KAPOW! We have lamby buns in the lots of ovens.


The only trouble is that I am not convinced that these ladies are due in a month; they just don’t seem that far along to me. It’s entirely possible that Mr. Sneaky Ram resorted to some self-help in November or December, which stinks. Not knowing when lambs are coming is almost as bad no lambs at all. I have a truly insane amount of stuff going on in the next few months, which is why I tried to schedule an early lambing this year.

Ladies in Waiting


More on all that later, though. Right now, it’s time to nominate this year’s naming convention! As you may remember, Juniper Moon Farm’s lambs are always named according to a convention chosen by our readers. The first step is to open the floor to nominations. Are you ready?

Callum, Feenat & Friend

Let’s hear your best ideas! Before the lambs start hitting the ground we will put it to a vote.


Let’s put it to a vote!

We asked for your nominations and you gave them to us, now it’s time to bring on the democracy! Please take  moment to vote for your choice of naming conventions for our  2012 lambs and goat kids. You can only cast one vote in each poll, so make your vote count.

FYI, the names listed after the conventions are just examples of the convention, not necessarily the actual names we will be calling the lambs and kids.

The polls will close on March 19th and the results will be posted here.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

And while you’re in the spirit of voting, don’t forget to vote for Juniper Moon Farm in About.com’s Readers Choice Awards for Best Yarn Company. Tiny Juniper Moon Farm is up against the biggest names in the industry!  It’s super-easy to vote, you don’t have to register and you can vote every 24 hours till March 21st, 2012. Thank you!