Tag Archives: stash party

Block of the month, November and December

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When I went to pick up the BOM pattern for November, I was given December as well. The shop is closing and the final instructions will be online. Here are all twelve blocks for this year. I have a recipient in mind for this quilt already.

Block of the Month

BOM August

Here’s my latest block of the month.


2011 Stash Party Pinwheels quilt

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Riley thinks her quilt is done. Little does she know, this quilt is going to Texas with me very soon. Don’t worry, there are plenty of other quilts here for her napping pleasure!

Stars upon thars

flying geese, aka star points stash party stars stash party stars

Feeling a bit guilty for having lost pattern 2, I sewed up blocks 2 and 3 right away. It’s very quick and easy now that all my star points are ready and waiting.


Star points

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Since all of my stash party blocks will use the same star points around the outside, I am planning to get those pieces ready to go all at once. Yesterday I cut out what I needed for all the flying geese units and am hoping to sew those up today and cut the remaining white pieces. I lost my February pattern but they kindly gave me a replacement at the shop on Saturday along with the pattern for March. We had a little show and tell of our 2011 stash party quilts and it was wonderful to see a few of the other quilts. One lady made 3-D pinwheels for her quilt as the setting squares for her sashing and those were just darling.