Tag Archives: stephanie flynn sokolov

Review: Woven Scarves

Review: Woven Scarves post image


First, the facts:

Title: Woven Scarves: 26 Inspired Designs or the Rigid Heddle Loom

Authors: Jane Patrick and Stephanie Flynn Sokolov

Published by: Interweave Press, 2014

Pages: 159

Type: Weaving


Chapter 1: Plain Weave
Chapter 2: Designing with Yarn
Chapter 3: Exploring Pattern
Chapter 4: Altered Surfaces

KS: Woven Scarves

The In-Depth Look:

Well, here’s the interesting thing about this book. (Or, you know, one of them.)

First you have to remember that, much as I love the idea of it, I’m not and have never been a weaver.

So, it should say a lot that, after getting this review copy, I bought myself a rigid heddle loom.

Because weaving IS intriguing, and it can be beautiful … it can also do wonders for working through a yarn stash. But it’s also intimidating because, without having a huge loom, what can you really MAKE?

Well, if you can make gorgeous scarves like these, you can make a lot.

Now, I’m obviously unequipped, at the moment, to discuss much of the technical side at all. It looks to me like the instructions are clear and the patterns well thought out, but … I can’t really say for sure. What I can tell you is that the variety of scarves here to weave is intriguing–plain weaves, plaids, textures, colors … They look like fun, and I want to make them.

Really, is there anything more to say? (Or, you know, more that I am qualified to say?)

You can get your copy at Amazon.com or your local bookstore.

Want to see bigger pictures? Click here.

This review copy was kindly donated by Interweave Press. Thank you!

My Gush: Inspiring is the word.

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